
What's respect got to do with it? Parents will have an opportunity to discuss what respect is with their child and who they respect. Character-building is often cited as a main outcome of sport and parents can help to reinforce one aspect, respect, outside of the sporting arena.

Recommended Parent SCORE Plays – 'Respect'

  • Talk to your child on the way to the game or competition about respect and what you expect to see from him or her within sport (i.e., being respectful to coaches and officials)
  • Ask your child about whom they respect in sport and why.
  • Encourage your child to write a note or send a text to someone on their team that he or she respects in appreciation for their example.

'Fair Play'

Fair play is a universal concept. It provides athletes with a set of rules and standards about how a specific sport should be played. Getting participants to follow the rules and move beyond them with actions of fair play teaches youth much about sport and life. Opportunities to promote fair play during youth sport may not arise very often but when they do it is important to capitalize on them.

Recommended Parent SCORE Plays – 'Fair Play'

  • Use social media or the internet to look up fair play and talk about the examples with your child.
  • After a game, talk to your child about something that may have happened during the game that was a good example or bad example of fair play. Ask your child about how they may have reacted and how they can react better the next time.

'Be A Leader'

The sport context provides a unique opportunity for youth to learn about leadership. With any skill, practice is needed. Some youth may possess leadership qualities naturally but this doesn’t mean that others do not possess this skill. Parents could help to harness this skill in their child and encourage more confidence in this regard.

Recommended Parent SCORE Plays – 'Be A Leader'

  • Lead by example! If you have an opportunity to be a leader on a parent committee or in another context where your child is present (i.e., in church, community organization), take the role and show your child that you are willing to be vulnerable and practice the skills needed as well!
  • If you are watching sport with your child, talk about the different leadership styles that are seen in sport (i.e., a quiet leader versus a more boisterous leader). Talk about the basic qualities that are needed in a good leader.
  • If your child had a chance to be a leader in their practice or game, have them talk about that role and help them to see their successes.